Buried Hearts with English subtitles, Buried Hearts English subtitles, Buried Hearts Episode 1 English subtitles, Buried Hearts in Hindi Dubbed
Buried Hearts English subtitles
To survive, Buried Hearts English subtitles a man hacked into a political slush fund worth 2 trillion won. The other man is a powerful shadowy figure, who loses 2 trillion won by killing a man without knowing that he was hacked. Seo Buried Hearts with English subtitles Dong Ju works as a leader in the chairman’s secretary office at Daesan Group. He is known as the “Daesan Man,” someone who lives dies for Daesan Group’s interests, but, he hides his elaborate and passionate ambitions Buried Hearts Episode 1 English subtitles deep within his mind. His ultimate goal is to entirely consume Daesan Group when he has the chance. Yeom Jang Seon is a law school professor and the former director of the National Intelligence Service.
Name: Buried Hearts
Original name:Treasure Island , Bomulseom
Release year: 2025
Country: Korean
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Political
Soft Sub: Eng
Buried Hearts [Korean Drama] with English subtitles
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