Gaus Electronics in Hindi Dubbed, Gaus Electronics Hindi Dubbed, Gaus Electronics Download in Hindi Dubbed, Gaus Electronics Turkish Drama in Hindi Dubbed
Gaus Electronics Hindi Dubbed
Stress is no stranger to the members of Marketing Team 3 of the home appliance department at the Gaus Electronics HQ. The firm is a busy, multinational company, but this is a team that most workers dream of getting out of – and where chaos is no stranger! Some 10 employees make up the team. These include Lee Sang Sik, a man with a positive personality who often misjudges his coworkers’ moods, causing trouble as a result! There is also Cha Na Rae, the hot-tempered assistant manager! Also among their number is Baek Ma Tan, the heir of the owners of Gaus Electronics’ fiercest rival – Power Group. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and has never known hardship.
Name: Gaus Electronics
Release Year: 2022
Director: Park Joon Soo
Screenwriter: Kang Go Eun, Seo Han Na
Genres: Business, Comedy, Romance, Life
Country: South Korea
Total Episode: 12
Language: Hindi
Gaus Electronics [Chinese Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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