The Potato Lab English subtitles, The Potato Lab with English subtitles, The Potato Lab Hindi Dubbed, The Potato Lab Episode 1 English subtitles
The Potato Lab English subtitles
Kim Mi Gyeong, The Potato Lab English subtitles a potato researcher with 12 years of experience at the Potato Research Institute, at first glance, looks like an unemployed person recognized by the neighborhood, The Potato Lab with English subtitles but when she opens her mouth, she starts spouting biological terms. Kim Mi Gyeong is a person crazy about potatoes who is working on a secret project at the Potato Research Institute to create a good potato The Potato Lab Korean Drama with English subtitles called “Mi Gyeong”. Meanwhile, she at first bickers with So Baek Ho, who has been appointed as the new director of the Potato Research Institute, but gradually The Potato Lab Episode 1 English subtitles feels attracted to him and ends up having an in-office romance with him, which she vows never to do again.
Name: The Potato Lab
Release year: 2025
Country: Korean
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Episodes: 12
Sub: English
The Potato Lab [Korean Drama] with English subtitles
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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