Love with Flaws in Hindi Dubbed, Love with Flaws Hindi Dubbed, Love with Flaws Download in Hindi Dubbed, Love with Flaws kdrama in Hindi Dubbed
Love with Flaws Hindi Dubbed
This romantic comedy Love with Flaws Hindi Dubbed revolves around a physical education high school teacher, Joo Seo Yeon, who despises flower boys and prefers someone “not Love with Flaws in Hindi Dubbed handsome.” She has a compassionate heart, forged through the loss of her parents and a strong stance against drunk driving. Living with three irascible brothers Love with Flaws Download in Hindi Dubbed further fuels her aversion to attractive men, handsome chaebol fixated on appearances. His initial arrogance hides deeper scars from his past. When their Love with Flaws Kdrama in Hindi Dubbed paths cross, sparks fly as they confront their biases and learn to see the stories and scars behind the seemingly flawless exteriors.
Name: Love with Flaws
Release Year: 2020
Director: Oh Jin Suk
Screenwriter: Ahn Shin Yoo
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Life, Drama
Country: South Korea
Total Episode: 16
Language: Hindi
Love with Flaws [ Korean Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
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