Annem Ankara with English subtitles, Annem Ankara English subtitles, Annem Ankara Download with English subtitles, Annem Ankara English subtitles download
Annem Ankara English subtitles
Zuhal Soydasli is Annem Ankara English subtitles a mother of three, married to Hasan, a man emotionally distant and shaped by a troubled childhood. After discovering Annem Ankara with English subtitles his infidelity, Zuhal, once a respected officer, struggles to rebuild her life and care for her children, Zuhal Soydasli is a mother of three, married to Hasan, a man emotionally Annem Ankara Download with English subtitles distant and shaped by a troubled childhood. After discovering his infidelity, Zuhal, Annem Ankara Episode 1 English subtitles once a respected officer, struggles to rebuild her life and care for her children.
Name: Annem Ankara
Name in English: My Mother Ankara
Release Year: 2024
Genre: Drama, Family
Country: Turkish
Subtitles: Eng
Annem Ankara [Turkish Drama] with English subtitles
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