My Sassy Girl Hindi Dubbed
On a dark and stormy night in Joseon the Queen is accused of treason and is taken away from her young daughter; ten years later a ship sails through the ocean as a scholar, Gyun Woo, returns home after studying abroad. Gyeon Woo’s pleasure at returning home from abroad is cut short when his attempt to help out a drunk woman leads to an unfortunate misunderstanding. After Princess Hye-myeong shames Gyeon Woo as a pervert, he is left with no choice but to help her find her lost ring. The king receives an ominous message by arrow, and searches for the sender. Gyeon Woo goes to save Hye-myeong and is wounded.
Genre: Historical, Romantic-comedy
Director: Yang Shi Tao
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Comedy, Romance
Country: South Korea
Total Episode: 16
Language: Hindi
My Sassy Girl [Korean Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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