Kizil Goncalar Urdu subtitles, Kizil Goncalar with Urdu subtitles, Kizil Goncalar in Urdu subtitles Download, Kizil Goncalar Download with Urdu subtitles
Kizil Goncalar Urdu subtitles
A mother and daughter Kizil Goncalar Urdu subtitles flee to escape from a forced marriage in a restrictive sect. The mother works for a progressive psychiatrist whose daughter’s identity Kizil Goncalar with Urdu subtitles causes turmoil, despite their growing bond. However, Meryem and Levant are in for an even bigger surprise when they Kizil Goncalar Download with Urdu subtitles learn that Zeynep’s long-lost twin, previously thought to have died at birth, is the daughter Levant adopted many years ago.
Name: Kizil Goncalar
Name in Eng: Red Buds
Genre: Drama
Release Year: 2023
Country: Turkey
Subtitle: Urdu
Download Kizil Goncalar with Urdu subtitles
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