Daily Dose of Sunshine in Hindi Dubbed
A kind-hearted Daily Dose of Sunshine Hindi Dubbed nurse working in psychiatry goes above and beyond to be a ray of light for those under her care, despite the challenges coming her way, Recently transferred to the Department of Mental Health, Daily Dose of Sunshine Urdu Dubbed Jeong Da-eun’s first patient is Oh Ri-na a woman who appears to be perfectly fine. Da-eun overhears the hard truth and is hurt by it. As tensions come to a head, doctors and nurses settle their disagreements Daily Dose of Sunshine kdrama in Hindi Dubbed the old-fashioned way. Trainee nurses visit the psychiatric ward, but one of them displays strange behavior. Da-eun accidentally learns a secret about her bestie, Song Yu-chan.
Name: Daily Dose of Sunshine
Release Year: 2023
Director: Lee Jae Gyoo
Genres: Life, Drama, Medical
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Language: Hindi
Daily Dose of Sunshine [Korean Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
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