The Ghost Detective Hindi Dubbed, The Ghost Detective Urdu Dubbed, The Ghost Detective (2018) Hindi Dubbed, The Ghost Detective in Hindi Dubbed
The Ghost Detective Hindi Dubbed
Lee Da-il, The Ghost Detective in Hindi Dubbed a detective who catches ghosts, attempts to solve the mystery of his sibling’s death. During his investigation, he encounters The Ghost Detective in Urdu Dubbed a woman and witnesses a strange incident, Lee Da-il, a detective who catches ghosts, attempts to solve the mystery of his sibling’s death. The Ghost Detective kdrama in Hindi Dubbed During his investigation, he encounters a woman and witnesses a strange incident, Lee Da-il, a detective who catches ghosts, The Ghost Detective Episode 1 Hindi Dubbed attempts to solve the mystery of his sibling’s death. During his investigation, he encounters a woman and witnesses a strange incident.
Name: The Ghost Detective
Release Year: 2018
Director: Lee Jae Hoon, Kang Soo Yeon
Screenwriter: Han Ji Wan
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Horror, Supernatural
Total Episode: 16
Language: Hindi-Urdu
The Ghost Detective [Korean Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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