My Deskmate Hindi Dubbed, My Deskmate Urdu Dubbed, My Deskmate kdrama in Hindi Dubbed, My Deskmate in Hindi Dubbed
My Deskmate Hindi Dubbed
My Deskmate in Hindi Dubbed Fangirl Xiang Xia lucks out when she becomes deskmates with her idol, the cold, handsome Jin Han. When the “fan” starts to cause trouble, My Deskmate in Urdu Dubbed it ignites a story full of laughs. In this pure and beautiful youth, Jin Han begins to see Xiang Xia’s qualities. They move forward together to become idols to each other, Fangirl Xiang Xia lucks My Deskmate Chinese Drama in Hindi Dubbed out when she becomes deskmates with her idol, the cold, handsome Jin Han. When the “fan” starts to cause trouble, it ignites a story full of laughs. In this pure and beautiful youth, My Deskmate download in Hindi Dubbed Jin Han begins to see Xiang Xia’s qualities. They move forward together to become idols to each other.
Name: My Deskmate
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Youth
Country: China
Episodes: 30
Aired: Jul 14, 2021 – Jul 28, 2021
Dub: Hindi
My Deskmate [Chinese Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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