Touch Your Heart Hindi Dubbed, Touch Your Heart Urdu Dubbed, Touch Your Heart kdrama in Hindi Dubbed, Touch Your Heart Hindi Dubbed Download
Touch Your Heart Hindi Dubbed
Touch Your Heart in Hindi Dubbed A famous actress falls from grace after getting embroiled in a scandal. In a bid to rebuild her career, she must work as a lawyer’s secretary to prepare for a role, Touch Your Heart in Urdu Dubbed A famous actress falls from grace after getting embroiled in a scandal. In a bid to rebuild her career, she must work as a lawyer’s secretary to prepare for a role, Touch Your Heart kdrama in Hindi Dubbed A famous actress falls from grace after getting embroiled in a scandal. In a bid to rebuild her career, she must work as a lawyer’s secretary to prepare for a role.
Title: Touch Your Heart
Year: 2019
Directed by: Park Joon-hwa
Starring: Yoo In-na, Lee Dong-wook
Genre: Romantic, comedy
Country of origin: South Korea
Original language: Korean
No. of episodes: 16
Dub: Hindi
Touch Your Heart [Korean Drama] Hindi Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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