The Witch Store Hindi Dubbed, The Witch Store Urdu Dubbed, The Witch Store kdrama in Hindi Dubbed, The Witch Store (2019) Hindi Dubbed
The Witch Store Hindi Dubbed
The Witch Store in Hindi Dubbed Hye Ji becomes a part-timer at the Witch Store which is only seen by those who have a wish. Hye Ji sees no progress in her relationship with Yoo Ho and in front of her, a witch transformed into a high school girl named Young Ji. The Witch Store in Urdu Dubbed This is when Sung Woo a handsome judo player appears. He was neighbor of Hye Ji back in old days. Because of him, Yoo Ho started to feel unsure and lots of twist comes among the characters, Hye Ji becomes a part-timer at the Witch Store which is only seen by those who have a wish. Hye Ji sees no progress in her relationship The Witch Store kdrama in Hindi Dubbed with Yoo Ho and in front of her, a witch transformed into a high school girl named Young Ji. This is when Sung Woo a handsome judo player appears. He was neighbor of Hye Ji back in old days. Because of him, Yoo Ho started to feel unsure and lots of twist comes among the characters.
Title: The Witch Store
Year: 2019
Genres: Romance, Youth, Fantasy
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Dub Language: Hindi Urdu
The Witch Store [Korean Drama] in Hindi Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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