Mistress in Hindi Dubbed, Mistress Hindi Dubbed, Mistress Urdu Dubbed, Mistress kdrama in Hindi Dubbed
Mistress in Hindi Dubbed
Mistress Hindi Dubbed the scandalous lives of a group of four girlfriends – each on her own path to self-discovery as they brave the turbulent journey together. Mistress Urdu Dubbed After Jan Se Yeon’s husband died in an accident, she has lived with her daughter. She begins to receive phone calls and mysterious things take place around her, the scandalous lives of a group Mistress kdrama in hindi of four girlfriends each on her own path to self-discovery as they brave the turbulent journey together. After Jan Se Yeon’s husband died in an accident, Mistress Episode 1 Hindi Dubbed she has lived with her daughter. She begins to receive phone calls and mysterious things take place around her.
Name: Mistress
Year: 2018
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Starring: Han Ga-in, Shin Hyun-been, Choi Hee-seo, Goo Jae-yee
Country of origin: South Korea
Original language: Korean
No. of episodes: 12
Mistress [Korean Drama] in Hindi Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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