The School Nurse Files English Dubbed, The School Nurse Files in English Dubbed, The School Nurse Files in Hindi Dubbed, The School Nurse Files English audio
The School Nurse Files English Dubbed
A school nurse The School Nurse Files English Dubbed with an unusual supernatural gift must protect high school students from monsters only she can see. She has a The School Nurse Files Hindi Dubbed special ability to see jelly like monsters that are made from residue of human desire and she can also eradicate these jellies. She uses a toy knife and a BB gun to take The School Nurse Files kdrama in Hindi Dubbed out the jellies. She senses that a mysterious event takes place at her school. The School Nurse Files Download in Hindi Dubbed Hong In Pyo is a Chinese language teacher at the same school. Hong In Pyo has a special energy. In order to protect the students, An Eun Young and Hong In Pyo work together to eradicate these jellies.
Name: The School Nurse Files
Release Year: 2020
Director: Lee Kyung Mi
Screenwriter: Chung Se Rang
Genres: Mystery, Horror, Comedy, Supernatural
Episodes: 06
Language: ENG
The School Nurse Files [Korean Drama] in English Dubbed
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