Haci Bayram Veli Urdu subtitles, Haci Bayram Veli with Urdu subtitles, Haji Bayram Urdu subtitles,Haci Bayram Veli all episodes in Urdu subtitles
Haci Bayram Veli Urdu subtitles
Haci Bayram Veli Urdu subtitles The show is about a 14th century Turkish Sufi living in Anatolia and tells his spiritual journey over the course of his lifetime, The two mystics, Shāikh Hāmeed’ūd-Dīn-ee Haci Bayram Veli with Urdu subtitles Wālī (Somunju Baba) and Haji Bayram, were living in the city of Bursa when they made the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) together. During this holy journey Hāmeed’ūd-Dīn-ee Wālī continued to teach sufism. Shāikh Haci Bayram Veli Turkish Drama with Urdu subtitles Hāmeed’ūd-Dīn died in 1412 passing his authority to Haji Bayram Wali, who returned to Ankara as the sheikh (leader) of a Tariqa called Bayrami
Name: Askin Yolculugu: Haci Bayram Veli
Year: 2022
Country of origin: Turkey
Genre: Historical, Fiction, Religious
Leading Role: Burak Sevinc
Number of seasons: 1
Number of sections: 26
Haci Bayram Veli [Turkish Drama] with Urdu subtitles
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