Bad Prosecutor Hindi Dubbed, Bad Prosecutor Urdu Dubbed, Bad Prosecutor kdrama Hindi
Bad Prosecutor Hindi Dubbed
Bad Prosecutor in Hindi Dubbed Jin Jung, a delinquent prosecutor, uses unorthodox methods to punish those who commit crimes. He goes to extreme lengths to protect underprivileged people, A murder case, Bad Prosecutor Urdu Dubbed like no other, stumbles onto Jin Jung’s desk. As he starts to investigate it, he finds something peculiar about it. Defying all boundaries as a prosecutor, Bad Prosecutor kdrama Hindi he pushes forward with the case, Jin Jung gets demoted to the Civil Affairs Division, also known as the garbage disposal office, where he meets Park Jae Kyung, a prosecutor who is as bad as Jin Jung back in his days.
Title: Bad Prosecutor
Year: 2022
Genre: Legal drama
Starring: Doh Kyung-soo, Lee Se-hee
Country of origin: South Korea
Original language: Korean
No. of episodes: 12
Dub: Hindi
Bad Prosecutor [Korean Drama] in Hindi Urdu Dubbed
1. For Episode wise Link – CLICK HERE
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